30th October 2007 - Northampton - "Killer Presentations" by Nicholas B. Oulton
We've all been there, whatever level we're working at. We have to make a presentation to the boss or an existing client or even at a pitch so learning how to use PowerPoint effectively has become a necessary business skill.
A memorable presentation can make the difference between winning and losing an order, gaining acceptance of an idea or failing, or creating a meaningful exchange of information rather than misunderstanding.In this session, you will learn how to transform your PowerPoint presentation into a truly effective message delivery medium, leaving a memorable and mesmerising impression on your audience.
Nicholas B. Oulton is a Chartered Marketer and a professional presenter with over thirteen years sales and marketing experience.
18:30 - 20:30
Northampton Town Football Club, Sixfields Stadium, Northampton NN5 5QA
CIM Member £5
CIM Student & Student Free
Guest £10
Click here to book on line.