22 May 2013 - Northampton - Social Media - The rise of marketing 2.0
Find out where social media fits in the new customer-driven marketing mix through this interactive workshop
Holiday Inn Express
Loakes Close, Grange Park
United Kingdom
Where does social media fit in today's marketing mix?
Is it right for every business?
Is it just another fad?
Social media has enabled customers to change the rules of marketing forever, and businesses not knowing how to engage in a post-social media world risk losing customers they never knew they had.
This practical session takes you through how the developments have:
• Changed people's purchasing habits.
• Impacted on traditional marketing.
• Shown the importance of social media as a key marcomms tool.
We all know what social media is, and we know that it's something we should be involved with. However, are we as productive as we could be? Do you feel that your campaigns are working for you in the way you want? Do you have questions about the practical side of using these tools or setting up your business on the various applications? Do you want to know how you can make sure you are reaching your target audience - and making an impact?
Following the session speaker, there is a quality hands on Q&A, with Dr Digital experts, to diagnose and support your use of social media. Areas covered are Twitter (generate conversations that build rapport and drive traffic), Facebook and LinkedIn (their importance for business).
WiFi is available at the venue. We recommend you bring your laptop (not tablet) to access your social media accounts as you can work directly with one of our experts to resolve your queries.
The Dr Digital experts for this session are Adam Naisbitt of Cooper Banks MacKenzie, Shelley Rostlund of Social Intelligence and Lilach Bullock of Sociable.
Adam Naisbitt is a text-book serial entrepreneur. For over fifteen years, Adam has been at the forefront of bringing marketing and technology together. His work in this arena has been featured in business press ranging from the London Evening Standard and the Wall Street Journal. Last summer, the BBC voted Adam Naisbitt's team the second best social media team in the world.
Adam’s unique blueprint for online marketing is now used by businesses ranging from solo-entrepreneurs to multi-million pound chains across the country. It has also driven the success of projects such as 2012TicketAlert, a social media based service which grew to over 100,000 followers and reached 2.5 million people over the three weeks of London 2012 Olympics.
Alongside his commercial work, Adam is passionate about investing into social projects and his company is currently driving and funding projects tackling problems in education, business training and unemployment.